Sunday, September 4, 2011

Perfect or Permissive?...

I have alot of things on my mind, my heart, today. Some spiritual, some personal, and some random. So, bear with me as I use this, my avenue, to get it all out:)

My God is amazing. His blood breaks every chain. Worship is powerful. He created us to worship Him. God isn't asking for prophets, teachers, evangelists, pastors, or apostles; He's asking for worshippers...if you don't have a heart for worship, then it will be awfully hard to be anything I listed earlier.

The prophetic~if you aren't used to it, if you haven't been raised in it, or exposed to it, then it's really hard for you to understand. I know it was for me. I wasn't raised around it, I knew it existed but I had never really been exposed to it, not like I am today. And I thank God for it. The supernatural realm of the prophetic is a whole new level. Angels, demons, etc. Through the prophetic, He has unleashed giftings in me that I didn't even know I had. My entire future was changed because of the prophetic...meaning that I have always had a calling on my life, but when I was introduced to the prophetic, and became part of a prophetic church, around prophetic people-my future became so much greater than it was already going to be. I am so thankful that God chose to release the prophetic in my life. I couldn't live without it. However, with the prophetic comes great responsibility. I see things, know things, that normally I wouldn't know. I have been given a great burden, a great anointing, and with that I must follow through in prayer and obedience. If you are unsure of the prophetic (there are many areas) but are curious, then I ask that you pray and ask the Lord to show you, to teach you about it. You will be amazed.

God's will. This has been a topic that I have been struggling with for a while now. I have always heard that there is God's perfect will and His permissive will, but how do you know which one is which? What if God's perfect will for you is all tide up in someone else's choices? I mean what if God's perfect will for you in this moment, is for this certain job, but the person on the other end doesn't call you, etc? Do you miss out on the "perfect" will or does He change it? When really He knew it from the beginning? What if God's perfect will for you is to marry this man, but he died in an accident, due to someone else's choice, and you never got the chance to marry him, do you miss out on His "perfect" will or does the "perfect" will change once again? Or is His perfect will just listening closely to His voice? Obeying every thing that He says, walking in complete surrender and just trusting that no matter what choices other people make, His perfect will for you is your relationship with Him? I don't know about perfect or permissive. I don't know if the choices that I have made my entire life have led me into his permissive or have kept me in his perfect, but I do know that I have surrendered my life to Him, I have given up my desires for His, I love Him more than I love myself, and He will direct every step of my way...even when others don't understand it, don't agree with it, call it selfish, or running, or anything else they can think of...I know that His perfect will for me is to follow Him the best that I can and He will bless me abundantly. So, this is what I will do. Run after Him with everything that I have, everything that I am...even when it's hard, even when I'm tired, even when I'm angry at Him and when I don't understand...I will run. Because I have to choose to believe, choose to have the faith and the trust that He who has begun a good work in me will complete it:)

One last thought...Maybe, just maybe, I've gone through everything I've gone through in my life, maybe just maybe, I'm going through everything I'm going through right now is because it is so much bigger than even I know. Maybe, just maybe, I'm going THROUGH all of this, my family is going THROUGH all of this, my brother is going THROUGH all of this, so we can tell the MILLIONS of people aroung the world that we got THROUGH it, and they can too:)! Maybe, just maybe...the thought gives me goosebumps...

Broken yet learning...


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