Tuesday, June 23, 2009

California, Here I come!!!

My life is a whirlwind right now...or atleast it seems to be. Packing up a house that has the stuff of three people, alone, is a task in and of itself...trying to figure out what belongs to who, etc. Packing without really knowing what you are doing. I know that I am going to California, but right now, I have no idea what I am going to do there, where I am going to live, how i am going to survive. I do know this---this is a faith walk that I have never taken before. I have had to God for a lot of things in my life, but never like this. He has never asked me to pick up my entire life and leave everything I have known behind; my family, my friends, my church, my job, my life...to go to a strange place, a place that I have never been before and start all over. I never really even asked for this, but I know that this is the destiny He has for my life, for right now. I don't know where this road will lead me, what doors it will open, who I will meet, what will happen, but I do know that I am willing. That's all He asks of me, right? I am learning faith in its upmost definition---subtance of things hoped for and the evidence of things not seen---hope. I hope for those promises. I hope for a future. I hope. I will see those things that He has promised, happen. I hope that you will choose to be a part of my journiey---to watch with me as things unfold in this journey that I am taking. I covet your prayers as I listen closely to the Lord as He directs my every step, opens every door that needs to be opened, and closes the ones that need to be closed. I am excited and scared all at the same time---this is so out of my comfort zone, so out of what I would do, which is exactly why it thrills me. I know that it is completely HIm!!

Wednesday, June 10, 2009


Why? Why do you have to pretend to be my friend? Pretend that everything is ok? Pretend that you care? The truth comes out. You never cared. You only wanted whatever served your purpose, whatever made you feel better. I will tell you this--the justice that you seek, isn't going to fill the void you have in your heart, your soul. The sentence you want isn't going to make it all go away. This is your issue. This is something that you have to deal with on your own, in your way. Watching the doors slam aren't going to take away the pain, the strife that you have within your own family. I promise you this---no matter what you seek, no matter what you press, God will have His way---for His glory. Satan will not win this. God has already granted so much, done so much, why would He turn His back on us now? No matter what the "law of the land" is, God's law supercedes it all. HE WILL HAVE HIS WAY! He never said it would be easy, He just promised that it would be worth it! And that it will be, just watch and see!!!!!

Monday, June 8, 2009

Here I am. I have been told more than once over the last few months that I needed to start writing down everything that I was feeling, everything that I was facing in life right now. From all that happened in my family, to right now, here in this moment, as I prepare for the scariest, yet most exciting move in my life ever. So, I thought what better time than now. Now, that school is over and I have all this free time, this along with all the other stuff, is what I plan to do this summer. So bare with me as I pour my heart and soul out into these blogs, as I play out my journey...the feelings, both good and bad, here in this place. Come along and journey with me...:)

Sunday, June 7, 2009


So, we play the "tagging game" once again:)

Here are my 8 things:
8 things I am Looking Forward To:
Going to Cali on my road trip:)
Watching how God works everything out for good in a certain situation
the future
Watching my nieces grow up
sleeping in tomorrow
Seeing my parents
Moving to California:)

8 Things I Did Yesterday:
slept in
Read a book
Went to the store
Gave my dog a bath
Cleaned my bathroom
Watched a movie

8 Things I Wish I Could Do:
Worry Less
travel more
fix it
love more
have more to give more
be in two places at once
end world hunger

8 Shows I watch:
Ace of Cakes
So You Think You Can Dance
Jon & Kate Plus 8
American Idol
One Tree Hill
8 People I tag:

Monday, June 1, 2009

A new journey...

It's been a while. So much here is going on...there are so many changes happening all around me...school is over in 3 days, I'm going on a road trip for a couple of weeks at the end of this months...moving to California end of July, and so many more things that I can't even begin to talk about right now. God is teaching me more about blind faith than I think I ever wanted to know. I have so many questions, so many things I want to know, but He just says, "trust me." He has never failed me, He has never let me down, so why would I doubt him now. He is asking me to go to a place I have never been. He is asking me to leave behind everything that I know, everyone I know, everything comfortable, and follow Him. I am leaving behind my friends, my family, my job, my church, to follow Him into unfamiliar territory. This is a new walk for me, a new level. However scared that I am, i am excited. I am thrilled to see where He will take me to, what He will do in me. I'm excited to watch Him work everything out for me. This is the greatest step of faith that I have ever taken, but I believe that it will be the greatest outpour of blessings that I have ever seen! I hope you will choose to come along as i blog about this unfamiliar but exciting journey in my life:)