Sunday, September 11, 2011


One thing I know-God is faithful. No matter what my circumstances look like, what I may be going through, what I can or cannot see, what I do or don't have, He is faithful! He is faithful to His Word. He is faithful to do what He said He would do. He is good. He is great. He is Mighty.
This blog may be more for me than for anyone else. It is a constant reminder of this journey that He is taking me on. Yes, it has been 5 weeks. It has been 39 days.But I have learned now, that MY GOD is faithful. I have gone through a roller coaster of emotions and I do not believe, by any means, that they are over, BUT I know that He is good! He is so good that when He gets through with this, when I have come through this, there will be nothing but good left. He has been nothing but good to me! Throughout my life, I know that He is good. Sometimes I have to go back a long ways, but I go back because I know that He is good. He saved me.--that is enough:) HE IS GOOD!
I am facing alot of things right now. I don't have a job, but I know that God wants me back in Waxahachie, for a season, back at FFI (Freedom Fellowship International-my church). I know that He has thing He wants me to do, things He wants to do through me, and in me. So, I don't have a job YET, but I am following His lead. Right now, it's one step at a time. He isn't telling me all the steps, He isn't laying them out for me. He has told me to go, to move, so this is what I will do. I trust that once I get there He will open the doors that He wants to. I am packing up my house, and I am going to move to Waxahahcie Oct. 1. It seems my entire life has been a faith walk--He doesn't always (I can't even really remember a time when he has) given me more than one step. I don't know how long I will be in Waxahachie, but I know that I need to be there, FFI needs me to be there and I need FFI. So, one step at a time:)
He's doing things in me. He is stirring something up. Something's moving. Something's changing. See His glory, it feels like Heaven on Earth. There is a stirring in my heart for Him like never before. He is doing something. I'm reminded of the fires that Texas has experienced over the last few weeks. The homes, land, that has been destroyed. It didn't take much, nothing big at all, to turn this little fire into a flame that destroyed hundreds of acres, hundreds of homes. I want my life, the flame of God in me to move like that. I want the flame, the passion of God, to completely overtake me and every one that I come in contact with. It moves fast, it overtakes and overwhelms, it engulfs anything and everything that stands in it's path. Imagine if just my little flame can do so much, what if we put all our little flames together? What would the impact be of that?! He is burning something in Me. I can't explain, because I don't even know that I understand it, or put it into words, but I can feel it, and for the first time in a long time, it excites me...
I know that I am destined to live in the prophetic. I am destined to walk in the supernatural. I am a dreamer. I have an anointing that is mine and mine alone. There are things that God can only do through me. Lord, help me to walk in your divine destiny for my life!

Broken yet healing,


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