Monday, March 5, 2012

Only YOU!

Why am I so afraid? Why am I so afraid of confrontation? Why am I so concerned with what people think? How did I get here? Why didn't I realize this sooner? How do I change it? How do I fix this? Why do I feel this innate need to make everyone around me happy, and sometimes dismiss my own? I HATE it...I want to change it? I have come so far...been through so much, just to let what other people think affect me like this?! God, please break this off of me...I only want what you think to matter...I hear your voice, I know your voice. I know what you tell me, and I know where you are leading me....even when noone else understands it, when maybe noone else agrees with it...I KNOW! I have to go with that, I have to trust that within my self. I have to! Who my friends are, where I live, who I am or am not in a relationship with, who I choose to marry, spend my time with, all of those things shouldn't matter to anyone but You. I need to be trusted, whether I make a mistake or not, I need to be trusted. I am an adult, I am a grown-up. I strive for nothing more than YOUR will for my life...and whether anyone else thinks it is "right" or not, shouldn't matter. Help me to continue learning how to completely concern myself with what only YOU think! PLEASE!

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Real Quick

It's been a month since I last posted on this blog. My life has been so busy over the last few weeks that I simply didn't have the time to post anything! So many things that God is doing. I wish I had the time and the words to share, to explain everything He is my life, my church, my world. I am learning so much. I am learning to lean on God for everything, I mean EVERYTHING! I am learning to go to Him first, to listen to Him only. I have friends that He has placed in my life, yes, but He is the one I turn to. My friends, although they have my best interest at heart, or what they think is my best interest, sometimes comes across as judgement, or just plain nosiness. But, I am learning that God is my final say...that I hear His voice and I listen to Him and everyone else must just trust me to do what He says. I have come to far to turn back now:)!
I still don't have a job, I still don't know what tomorrow holds, but I do know that He is my source! Not man, but God! I know that He has a plan and a purpose for me and I will strive to follow Him everyday with everything that I am. Watch what He unfolds in my life! This has been a short blog, but sweet, very sweet:) I will write again soon!

Moving Forward,
