Friday, April 20, 2012


Rain. I love the rain. I love storms. I love everything about them. I sleep better when it’s raining. Even the smell of rain is amazing!

Today, while it is storming outside, God is reminding me of why He brings the rain. He brings it to clean away the old, to bring something new. To bring a fresh start, to water that which has become stagnant, stopped growing. Rain brings vibrancy. It brings a freshness that we can’t get without it. Rain sweeps away all the dirt, the grime from the ground and prepares the soil for seeds to be planted. After the rain, the sun comes out. Flowers bloom, grass grows, birds chirp, children laugh, and rainbows appear.

This goes for spiritual rain also. I love it when God brings the rain. In my life, it seems like all it has done for the last few years is rain. It seems that there is this never-ending storm that follows me wherever I go. But today, God showed me that this “never-ending” storm is coming to a close. The spiritual rain that has happened/is happening in my life has been for Him to clean away the old, make room for the new things. He is bringing a fresh start. He is preparing my soil for new seeds. He is watering that which has been stagnant. He is changing me. I can see it. I can feel it. He is preparing me for something that is beyond anything I could ever dream. My desire, my sole desire, is for Him to bring all the rain He needs to, to get me exactly where He wants me. He has promised that after the rain, the sun will come out and all things will be made NEW!

So, instead of dreading the storm, wondering when it is going to end, or even being afraid of it, I will CHOOSE to go out and dance in the rain! Will you join me?

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