Monday, April 9, 2012

I am Different!

A year ago I would not have responded to this situation the same.  I would have been more hurt, I would have taken every word they said to heart, I would have believed every word, no matter how false they were, I would have believed them.  BUT now, today, I am not the same.  I AM DIFFERENT!  I know who I am.  I know what God says about me, what His Word says about me.  I know and it's that I will choose to believe!  I know who God sees me to be, and although I am not perfect, I am a child of the Risen King!  His daughter, His heiress!
Many people do not understand my obedience.  They do not understand because they are only seeing with their physical eyes.  They only see what they see.  They see me jobless, carless, poor, living with my sister, etc.  But they don't know what I know...they don't see what I see.  They don't know the amazing promises that God has given me...some based solely on my simple, or not so simple, obedience.  They don't see what my future holds like I do.  They don't know about the sacrifices that I have made to be obedient.  They don't know that He has promised that if I just trust Him, He will give me above and beyond anything I could ever dream!  I am dreaming His dreams, and even though they may not be what I would have dreamed, or looked the way I would have thought---they are so much more!  I wish I could take you all into my soul, into my heart, so you could feel what I feel, so you could expoerience what I experience! 
Every sacrifice, every hurt, every pain will be for a greater purpose!  I can say this, I am SO greatful, so thankful that I serve a God who knows the future from the beginning.  That He knows what is best for me, more than I do.  I am so thankful that He knows what I need, who I need and that He doesn't always answer my prayers with the answers I want when praying them! 

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