Tuesday, January 17, 2012


Naked. That's what I feel like. I feel like You have stripped me of everything, everything I have, everything I am, every friendship, every relationship, every part of me from the inside out, until I am left standing here completely naked. One of the definitions of naked is defenseless; unprotected; exposed. That's what I feel like. You have stripped every comfort, every dream, every desire from me. It's a feeling of vulnerability like nothing else. It's sometimes dark and cold. Most people would run for cover, find something to put on, hide behind, but for me, for me I choose to just stand here completely naked. I choose to not run for cover but look up and realize that You are my cover and You have never left. I choose to allow you to clothe Me with Your wardrobe. I choose to allow You to clothe me with Your dreams, Your desires, Your friendships, Your relationships, Your gifts, You. I will not hide.
The good thing about this, is the hard part is over, the stripping away is done, I have nothing left to give. So, now I will just stand here and allow You to replace the clothes I was wearing with the clothes that You pick for me. I will wear Your armor. I will be dressed in Your image, because it is You who is dressing me. I will let You dress me in your timing, at Your pace. I have done all that You have asked of me, so now I will just stand.

My prayer is that through this "stripping" of my clothes, of the things I was wearing that were not perfectly tailored for me, that You will shine. My hope is that the people who will read my story, those who have walked through this journey with me, those who feel as if they have suffered in this journey with me, and those who have simply observed, will see You and not me. They will see that it is not in my own strength, but Your strength that I overcome. They will see that the wardrobe You place on me fits much better than anything I could have chosen for myself. My prayer is that through this, You will recieve all the glory! I can not do this on my own. My prayer is that You will make me everything that You desire and that this will all be worth it! My prayer is that through this, my continuing story, that souls will come to know who You are, that they will see they aren't alone, that I have faced the things that I am facing because someone else will need a playbook. I know that I am walking this road because my calling is great and in Your dream for me lies the destinies of multiples!

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