Monday, January 23, 2012

His Presence

Have you even been in a room and you could feel the Glory of God? I mean, you were doing your devotion, praying, and all of a sudden you could feel Him? You could feel His presence, His Glory so strong that all you could do was weep? This is what happened to me today. I can't adequately explain it...I just KNOW that He was here, with me. We are in to day 23 of 2012, and I can say that I am completely different. You may not see it, but I KNOW it. At The Ramp, He changed me...completely changed me. I can't get enough of Him, of His Word. I think the hunger had been stirring for a while, but something shifted. I AM NOT THE SAME! Now, my circumstances are the same, I still don't have a job, I still live with my sister (but in a new house--thank you Jesus and FFI:)!), I still have bills piling up, my brother is still in prison, BUT my perspective has changed. Instead of dwelling on what I don't have, what isn't happening, I thank Him for the time that I have to spend in His presence without distraction, for the time that He has given me to write this blog, to start my books, to take pictures, to build this foundation with Him, so that when I do get that job and things begin to consume more of my time, that I will still MAKE time to spend with Him everyday. It isn't good enough to just say prayers in passing, "Dear Jesus, help me today, I love You. Amen." For me, I seek Him now. I mean I truly take time to just seek Him, ask Him what He wants to teach me today, show me today, talk to me about today. Everything has changed. I no longer go to a restaraunt because it's what I was in the mood for, rather I ask God where He wants me to go, who does He have for me to talk to? What steps has He ordained for me today. My hunger is different, I am not satisfied with just the crumbs or the leftovers anymore...I WANT HIM!
Does my heart still hurt? Of course. Do I still struggle with my doubts, fears, etc? Of Course. BUT My perspective has changed...I don't dwell on them, but I give them up to him and take my hands off (for the most part).
My prayer for those who don't know Jesus, or better yet, know Him but don't have a relationship with Him is that my life will be a testimony of how good God is. That you will see Him in Me. I pray that I will be Jesus with clothes on...that I will His hand extended. That people young and old alike will be drawn to the Jesus in me, they will want the hunger, the thrist that I have for His Glory.
My prayer for those who know Him in relationship is that you will be encouraged and challenged by my life. That the hunger that I have will rub off on you, that you will desire to know Him in a new way; That you will desire to seek Him more than ever before.

I just love Him!

Falling inlove with Jesus in a new way,


1 comment:

  1. This happened in Church yesterday morning. There was a breeze, I saw a flag rustling in the breeze of the Holy Spirit. No one touched it, the A/C Heater vents were no where near that flag, yet it moved. The Holy Spirit was moving in waves throughout that church and we were all praising and worshiping. God was there there is no doubt. My Dad and I talked about the Glory of God moving during the service. I have not experienced that in a long long time.
