Friday, November 30, 2012


I sit here today looking back over this past year, and yes, I know that we still have 4 weeks left in this year, and God can do alot in 4 weeks...but as I look back over this year, I think I can wrap it all up in just one word if I had to.  I would say this year has been ENOUGH.  Maybe not in the way that you think...not in the "I've had enough", or "enough already" way, although both of those apply, but in the "He is ENOUGH" way.  That's what He has taught me, that's what I have learned this year.  My God is ENOUGH for me.  He is more than ENOUGH for me.  I don't need anything, because I have Him.  I don't need a car, a job, a place of my own.  I don't need love from a man.  I just need Him.  He is more than enough for me.  If He never blesses me with another thing, if He never fulfills all the promises that He has given me, He is already more than ENOUGH.  He's more than ENOUGH!  He's been bigger than any dream, and desire that I have ever had.  He's been bigger than any hurt, or heartbreak that I have suffered.  He's been more than ENOUGH for me. 
This may seem like a simple thing for some of you, good.  I'm glad that you have always known that He's more than ENOUGH for you.  I'm glad that you have always let Him be ENOUGH for you.  It hasn't always been so easy for me.  There have been times, many times, where I didn't let Him be ENOUGH for me.  I wanted more than I was willing to let Him give to me.  He let me have those things, He didn't stop me.  But I ended up still being unfulfilled, still needing something more.  I was trying to fit a man, possessions, etc, into the places of my heart that only God could fit.  I was trying to let the things of this world be ENOUGH for me---it didn't work.  I remember once during my prayer time telling God that I didn't want anything to distract me from Him.  I wanted Him to be ENOUGH for me.  I wanted Him to be all that I ever needed...from that day on, slowly, He began to remove everything in my life that I was putting before Him, everything that I was trying to make ENOUGH for me.  Until one day, I stood with nothing.  There was absolutely nothing left but Him.  This year, I have had nothing but Him.  He has been my everything.  He has been ENOUGH.  He has been more than ENOUGH for me. 
You know what's really exciting about this---is that because I know that He is ENOUGH for me, because I really know that I don't need or even want anything but Him--His blessings for me will be more than I have ever dreamed.  He will still fulfill His promises over my life.  He will still give me the very desires of me heart:)  He will still fulfill every dream.  He is more than ENOUGH for me!  What a lesson to learn!  I wouldn't trade this year for anything, I wouldn't trade this "lesson learned" for anything!  Because He is ENOUGH for me, because I truly know that He is ENOUGH, I won't expect someone else to fill places in my heart that are reserved for Him.  I won't expect someone else to be my Savior, my Provider, my Cover, my Lover, my Peace.  He is all those things and more to me!  He is ENOUGH!:) 
A long time ago I made a distinct choice for Him.  I chose Him over everything and everyone.  I chose to follow Him and His voice over the voices of others, over the voice of my own wants and desires.  I wanted Him more than I wanted anything/anyone else.  I knew then that making this choice would be hard, that I would lose things that I had invested in, things that I loved more than I ever thought possible, but I knew that I had to do it.  I had to choose Him.  This year has proven to be just that---hard, full of hard choices---but so worth it!  Seeing how my choice has directed my life, and seeing how, another who made a different choice, has directed his life--I can honestly say God has been more than ENOUGH for me. 
I thank Him everyday for His grace and His mercy.  I thank Him for the pastor who spent months/years teaching me how to hear the voice of God, and then how to obey His voice.  I thank Him for the people that He has placed in my life for guidance, counsel, wisdom, love, and prayer support.  I thank Him for the person that I am today.  No, I am not by any means perfect, but I have come so far.  I'm excited about the future!  I am excited to know that He is more than ENOUGH for me:)!

Dreaming His Dreams,

Simply Drea

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