Friday, July 8, 2011

A New Beginning...

Here we go again...I know I keep promising to be better at this blog thing and then I keep failing...but this time I mean it:) I need this as an outlet. I always seem to write what is in my heart, better than I can speak it. I also tend to be very guarded in what I say, what I share, but I am learning that there are some things that I need to share for myself, and in hopes of maybe inspiring others as well. This life is a journey and I am learning every day how much I need God. He has got to be in complete control of my life, every area, every aspect, or this just doesn't work!
My 32 birthday was on Wednesday. It's so weird because I sure don't feel 32! Every year I always think about the years past...where I am, what I've accomplished, what I have yet to do. This year wasn't any different. I found myself being sad because my life wasn't where I wanted it to be...I spent my bday with my brother was not around, my sister and nieces are in another town, my boyfriend lives 2 hours away and had to work, etc. I was all sad, etc. However, God really got on to me for dwelling on these things. He is in control and He is preparing me for so many great things! I just have to wait...ahhh...It turned out to be an amazing birthday. My boyfriend, Tracy, made me a cake...and it wasn't just a cake folks, it was a marble cake with fudge icing, white chocolate covered strawberries on top with white chocolate drizzle! It was amazing and it tasted as good as it looked!!:) Thank you baby! My sister and girls made me dinner. Each of the girls made me cards with magazine cut outs of all the things they would buy me if they could and it was all so sweet!:)
I'm excited to see what this new year brings for me and for the ones I love!
So, here's to new beginnings, new challenges, new hopes, new dreams, the reviving of some old ones, new lessons learned, and a new level with God!
I hope you will all share in this journey with me, walk with me as I learn to walk closer with Him. I hope you will share in my triumphs, share in my disappointments, share in the things I learn, and the things I have to share!:)
Love to all!:)

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