Monday, February 4, 2013

Saved By Grace and other random thoughts

I had an epiphany this weekend...In 2002, I graduated from SAGU with a BS in Cross-cultural missions.  I have never really understood exactly why.  I sometimes questioned, wondering if I made a mistake, if I was just naive and didn't know what I was doing at the time.  I always knew that I would never be a "typical" missionary that would itinerate and live in a foreign place for years at a time...I knew that was something that I was never called to do...but I wasn't quite sure what I was doing.  I graduated and then had no idea what to do I went back to school and graduated in 2004 with a Masters in Elementary Education.  Through all this, I didn't really understand where the "missions" part would fit in.  Now, I did get my first teaching job, with the help of my missions degree, because it was in the 'ghetto' and I was a white girl from the, they thought because of my Bachelors, I would know what I was doing:)  Teaching, it's what I love.  I realize that now, more than ever, as I have gotten back into the classroom in recent days.  Saturday night, at church prayer, God revealed to me part of His exact plan for my life.  It wasn't this huge emotional moment that lasted for hours, or even minutes for that matter, but it stirred something in my heart, answered this question I have had since that day in 2002, and for me,  solidified a part of my destiny:)  My church is Freedom Fellowship International---when we voted on changing our name, we added International, prophetically.  At the time, we were not ready to do anything internationally, or even knew what that was going to mean.  Now, we have come to a healthy place...and place where we are now ready.  I will be going to Boston at the end of this month to help kick off a church plant.  This summer, my church will be going to Alaska to help a pastor do some heavy spiritual warfare praying, etc.  God called me to be a missionary...a person who goes from place to place and helps bring freedom, release strong holds, pray with, teach, minister to people, churches, and nations.  This is what he has called me to be, and teaching...while it is a mission field in and of itself, it will also provide the funding that I need to take these trips.  FFI will be the conduit in which I get to these places.  HE AMAZES ME.  While this will not be the only thing I do in life, it will be a main focus:)  Oh how 2013 has already been amazing!  His grace is astounding, His calling is humbling, His mercy is overwhelming, His love is fulfilling.
Lord, may I be all that you have called me to be.  May I carry your Name with all the honor it deserves.  May I walk in your mercy and bestow your grace as eloquently as you have bestowed it on me.  May I fulfill my destiny completely and fully for Your Name!--Amen

MY BROTHER IS COMING HOME!  I am sure that there are some of you who doubt this---especially if you know the whole story...if you know what the law says, what man says.  Man says he has to serve at least 10 years of his 20 year sentence before he is even eligible for parole...including good behavior.  The law says that him getting out ANY sooner than that is completely impossible.  Man says that we are foolish, deceiving ourselves, for even believing such.  However, what the law doesn't know is that My God is bigger.  My God does not lie, He can not lie.  My God says that Shawn is coming home SOON...and by soon, I mean any day now...God says my brother will be home by Easter 2013!!  That's 7 weeks and 6 days, folks!  55 days!  GET READY!  Signs, Wonders, and Miracles!!!  My brother is coming home!!:) NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE FOR GOD!  Do you really believe that?  Do you believe He can parted a sea and an entire nation walked across on DRY GROUND?  Do you believe that He raised people from the dead?  Not only Lazurus, but His Son, the One that we base our entire salvation, life, on?  If you really believe these things, if you really believe what the Bible says, then you HAVE to believe that the God of the Universe can make a way for my brother to just walk out of a prison that should hold him for 10 years!  That's nothing to is NATURALLY SUPERNATURAL for this to happen!  After all, He Is GOD!!!:)

God still amazes me. As I was looking into changing my blog setup, changing the layout,etc, I noticed a font called "saved by grace." It caught my attention. Saved by Grace. The definition of grace is unmerited divine assistance given humans for their regeneration or sanctification. How many times in my life have I truly been saved by grace? I'm not just talking about my salvation...I'm talking about circumstances, situations, that have happened in my life. How many times have I truly been saved by grace? Thinking back over the past couple of years, I can think of quite of quite a few times that I was saved by grace; I am sure there were many times when I wasn't even aware of His grace working in my life.

Last thing:  Yesterday, during worship at church, I just began to think about God's grace in my life. Funny, the songs we sang weren't even referencing 'grace' so to speak. I was taken back to situation after situation where His grace spared me from what could have been disastrous for me. I was in a relationship for 2 years, and looking back, I see how His grace was all over my life at that time. I am so thankful for His grace. His grace that covers all my sins, His grace that softens the blows, or consequences, for my actions that are not sometimes pleasing to Him. I am thankful for the grace that He bestows upon me every SINGLE moment of my life. My prayer is that I can extend this same grace to those in my life who make mistakes. Thank you God for your grace in my life!  Thank you for everything that You are and everything that You have done, are doing, and will continue to do in my life!:)

Dreaming with Him,


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