Thursday, May 16, 2013

Caterpillers and Thunderstorms

I'm tired.  I'm just tired.  I'm tired of hoping and not SEEING anything happen.  I'm tired of trusting and believing in a promise that isn't being fulfilled...or atleast I'm not seeing it be fulfilled.  I'm tired of telling people that Shawn IS coming home, and having them look at me like I have completely lost my mind.  I KNOW that God is not a man that He should lie.  I KNOW that His promises are yes and amen.  I KNOW that He has promised us that Shawn will come home soon--and by soon, I mean sooner than the "law" says...they say he won't even be able to come home until 2021--God says, NO WAY.  God is bigger than any law.  He has promised!  I know all of these things...but when do I get to see it?  When do I get to hig my brother again?  When do I get to have a conversation with him that isn't over the phone?  When do I get to share my life with him and him share his with me?  I want a time.  I want a date.  My heart is growing weak and my hope is weary.  I know what His Word says, I know what He has said.  I guess I just simply need to be reminded once again.  Instead of him coming closer to being home, it seems like he's farther away.  I don't understand.  I just don't understand.
I know this isn't the happiest post in the world, but it is where I am at right now...maybe soon I will have a new post full of butterflies and rainbows:)  For now, you get caterpillers and thunderstorms...
Dreaming His Dreams but very tired,


  1. We always want to have happy posts, but sometimes, we have to put out where we are currently, even if it is not the happiest place. Thank you for being so transparent. I am always praying for the day that your brother WILL be HOME! I do miss hearing from him and think of him and pray for him often. I pray for you often as well. I cannot imagine the grief you feel every day.

    I know I have almost given up on promises that have been made to me by God since November 18, 2001 when I gave my life back to Him, and still waiting for fulfillment. We just need to be reminded to keep pressing on and believing.

  2. You are human. You are normal. You are an inspiration. You are loved. You are supported by many. You are prayed for daily. And you will see Gods promises fulfilled!
