Friday, December 14, 2012


I sit here watching the news, and reading all my facebook friends post, about the shootings of 20 innocent kindergarten children, and 7 adults--by a 24 year old man.  All these posts talk about the evil in this world, about the sadness and heartbreak that they feel for the parents and families of these innocent people...yes, I do feel heartbreak...I am not a parent, but the thought that this could have been any one of my nieces, or my mom who is a teacher, saddens me, the reality of this world.  However, for me, the tears that I cried were in part for the soul of the one who pulled the trigger over and over again.  He was a human being also.  He was a sick man, yes, but he was still a human being.  The Savior of this world, the One who died for me, the One who has given me so much joy and freedom, spared my from so much pain and suffering, is also the One who died for this man.  Jesus loved him just as much as He loves me.  He died for Him just as much as He died for me.  I am sure that His heart was grieved today also, but not only for the children, for the innocent, but for the one who did this.
This is how I know that God has changed me...that He has changed my heart.  I am angry, but not at the man who did this, rather the one who so deceptively controlled this man's thoughts, actions.  Yes, this man made a choice...a really bad choice, but God still loves him.  I can't help but wonder if he ever heard the name of Jesus.  I can't help but wonder if anyone ever reached out to him.  A teacher? friend? neighbor? co-worker? classmate? mailman?  pastor?  Did anyone ever pray for him, really pray for him?  If so, did they pursue him?  Did they fight for him?  Did they constantly love him and get in his business, make him talk?  I wonder.
Our struggle is not against flesh and blood...So, as you process the events of today, I challenge you to remember who the enemy remember that we have been called to be the salt of the earth, the light in a darkened world...Greater is He who is in us!  I challenge you to speak life into all those around may never know how dark their world is, you may never know how powerful your love, friendship, encouraging word, or prayer is to that person.  I challenge you to listen closely to the voice of God, the Holy Spirit as He leads you to the hurting and dying people of this world.  I challenge you to remember that for God so loved the WORLD...we must love like Christ loves, we must embrace as Christ embraces, and we must forgive as Christ forgives..."Father forgive them, for they know not what they do"...sound familiar?

Dreaming with Him,


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