Monday, September 14, 2009

UP 2 date

It's been a while...lots of changes have happened here...Where to begin. I turned 30, in California at the Santa Monica Pier:) I quit my teaching job of 3 years because I knew that God no longer wanted me there. I packed up my house of a year and a half (hey, the lease was up and I couldn't afford to live there alone) and I moved in with my parents, and my brother. I am in a place of trusting God like never before. I have a book to write, a story to tell. This is never where I thought my life would be but this is where I am. There are times when I look back, ask myself what, if anything, I could have done differently. I have no regrets. Everything that I have done, or that has been done to me has helpoed to shape me into the woman that I am today. I, unlike alot of my fellow bloggers, do not have a husband to write about, or children who brighten my day, or do/say something funny that I just have to share. All I have is where my life is right now. It's not alot, but it is precious to me. Someday I will look back at all of these blogs and see how far God has brought me, my family.
Family---someday the world will know the story of my family. How we have had to trust Him in what we feel has been the hardest, longest experience of our entire lives. THey will know the grace and mercy of our Lord Jesus. He has shown Himself in a new way. I have discovered more things about Him this year. He is always faithful! He TRULY loves His children, every one of them. There is NOTHING, absolutely nothing that can seperate us from His love. I have watched those around me struggle with their own definition of God. They have struggled with their own demons, their own darkness, but I have also watched them allow God to pick them up out of the deepest, darkest pit they have ever been in, one they dug for themselves, as God pulled them out, wiped them clean, and held them close. He is truly a Saving, Loving God.

1 comment:

  1. Your attitude is very refreshing!! Everything will work out for good! We're promised that ;) Keep trusting! We'll all be waiting on that book of your's :)
